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Перевод Примеры
Несчастья случаются и в прекрасно организованных семьях // даже там, где всё обстоИт благополУчно, может случИться непредвИденная неприЯтность.

"Now, men, that's about all,"-he continued, but in the same unctuous voice; "I'm glad to 'ave 'ad the opportunity to conduct this sad ceremony in the ргорег way. ln the midst of life we аге in death, and accidents wШ happen in the best regulated families." (Maugham)

In short, the banquet was such а failure that 1 should have been quite unhappy- about the failure, 1 mean, for I was always unhappy about Dora-if I had not been relieved Ьу the great good-humour of my company, and а bright suggestion from Mr. Micawber. "Му dear friend Copperfield," said Mr. Micawber, "accidents will occur in the best regulated families." (Dickens)

"Well, that's over," he reflected coolly. "I'm sorry, Manson. I didn't dream that cyst was hremorrhagic. But these things happen in the hest-regulated circles, you know." ( Cronin)

Не failed to detect anything in the case which could Ье called particularly interesting or sensational. ln his opinion the crime was the work of а complete lunatic, and such individuals exiited in the hest regulated countries. (Кirst)